


道家的三一学说指出,上丹田、中丹田、下丹田,总称为三丹田。入道的人能使三回复为一,使一又变为三。三丹田是精、气 、神的居室。有人说下丹田关元是精的居室,中丹田绛宫是神的居室 ,那么上丹田泥丸就是气的居室了。但上 丹 田 又 分 明 不 是 气 的 居 室 。有人说下丹田为气海,可以作为气的居室,那么精的居室又在哪里呢?把中丹田作为精的居室固然不可,但把上丹田作为精的居室则更 不 可 。 由 此 可 知 下 丹 田 虽 然 名 为 “气海” ,其实是精的居室。况且下丹田并不专在气海,乃在脾脐与两肾之间。因为脐与肾是人生禀受先天生命的开始之处,那么下丹田是精的居室也就无可怀疑了。


田丹VS崔天琪《stronger》——田丹胜出(崔天琪被哈林“偷”走)参赛歌曲: 《Stronger》 MV 《Stronger》 歌词 演唱:崔天琪,田丹 You know the bed feels warmer Sleeping here alone You know I dream in colour And do the things I want You think you got the best of me Think you had the last laugh Bet you think that everything good is gone Think you left me broken down Think that I’d come running back Baby you don’t know me, cause you’re devil What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone What doesn’t kill you makes a fire Put that thing on ligher Doesn’t mean I’m over cause you’r gone What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger Just me, myself and I What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone You heard that I was starting over with someone new But told you I was moving on over you You didn’t think that I’d come back I’d come back swinging You try to break me what you say What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone What doesn’t kill you makes a fire Put that thing on lighter Doesn’t mean I’m over cause you’r gone What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger Just me, myself and I What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone Thanks to you I got a new thing started Thanks to you I’m not a broken hearted Thanks to you I’m finally thinking bout me You know in the end the day to left was just my beginning In the end。

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